Hydrate Smarter

WaterH measures how much water you need based on your goals, physicality and lifestyle.

Track Performance

As hydration amount is displayed, it serves as a positive visual reinforcement to maintain momentum.The WaterH journal allows you to see your hydration
pattern in any time frame.

Live Healthier

A busy lifestyle is usually the culprit of not drinking enough water. WaterH takes into consideration your lifestyle and routines so that hydration doesn't feel like a chore or an extra task.

Get Report

Reports can be requested on demand and will be sent to your email. Deep dive into your hydration data is made possible with just a click of a button.

Eliminate Guesswork

See yourself getting closer and closer to your daily hydration goal as the water fills up on the WaterH app.

Stay Motivated

Celebrate victories big and small. Actively managing hydration through badges and achievements is a great way to conquer hydration in an enjoyable and fun way.

Download the app

The WaterH app can be found in the App or Google Play store. Pairing the bottle and phone is easy and can literally be done in seconds.

Hydration Made Easy

Watch the video to learn how to use the waterh smart water bottle and the app how to work

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